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2013 Annual Report

(Lufkin Police Department)

Message from the Chief

As Lufkin’s police chief, it is with pleasure I present the Lufkin Police Department’s 2013 Annual Report. The purpose of this report is to provide a snapshot of information and statistics affecting our city and the Police Department including crime, traffic, our staffing and budget, and what’s new in our Department. Multi-year statistics are provided in many categories to show where we’ve been and where we are now.


Also included in this report is the annual racial profiling data (pg.15) required by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE). This data has been submitted to TCOLE via their standardized form and prior to the due date of March 1st.


A significant event that occurred during 2013 was the transfer of responsibility for Volunteer Fire Department (VFD) dispatch from the Police Department to the Angelina County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO). This change was necessitated by a high workload in the Police Department’s communications section. ACSO reports that the change has not overly burdened their personnel.


I am pleased to report that despite a manpower shortage in 2013, we had a 16% decrease in the overall crime rate and our index crime arrests went up. Though we had a higher than usual number of homicides in 2013, Lufkin had a significant overall decrease in violent crime. Property crime, which accounts for a majority of our cities crime rate, also saw a decrease in 2013.


This will likely be my last official correspondence with members of the City Council and the citizens of Lufkin. I am eternally grateful for the opportunities I have been afforded. I feel honored to have served as a police officer for over 25 years. Please know that the police department remains staffed with professional men and women dedicated to the citizens of Lufkin.




Scott MarcotteChief of Police

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