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Application for Assocaition Membership

If you have any questions not answered by the section below or the application pdf file,

please contact us at



Important Information:

You do not have to become a CLEAT Member in order to become an Association Member,

but you do have to become an Association Member in order to become a CLEAT Member.

TMPA Members can join the Association!



Membership Information





Membership in this Association shall primarily be confined to the municipal Employees and Police Officers of the Lufkin Police Department who have been regularly appointed in their various positions, excluding the Chief of Police and his/her appointed designee. Membership in this Association shall be available to Dispatchers and civilian employees of the Police Department seeking such membership as a means to obtaining membership with the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas.



Members of this Association in good standing at the time of their retirement under honorable circumstances shall be designated as life time members with all of the privileges of other members, except that they shall not be eligible to vote on Association issues.



Members of this Association in good standing at the time of their call to active duty with any branch of the Armed Forces of these United States shall be entitles to all rights, privileges and benefits of this Association, but shall be exempt from all dues and assessments. Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, membership in this Association shall terminate for any member utilizing this military exemption if said member does not return to the employ of the Lufkin Police Department within the ninety-day period following his/her release from active military duty.



The Association may establish honorary members. Honorary membership may be granted to any citizen, civic, business, or community leader that displays an ongoing relationship with the Association. Honorary membership in the Association is an annual benefit bestowed and shall expire one year after the designation of the status. Honorary members shall not be eligible to vote on Association issues.




Application for membership in this Association shall contain the name and status of employment with the Lufkin Police Department. Application must be in writing upon the approved form, prescribed and furnished by the Board.  A majority vote of the members present at a called meeting shall be required to grant membership, or honorary membership.




Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, membership in this Association shall terminate by abandonment, withdrawal, non-payment of dues, removal from office or position on the Police Department, surrender of membership certificate, or death of a member.



Whenever any membership shall have terminated in any manner, the person whose membership has thus terminated and all persons claiming under, by, or through such person shall not be entitled to any refund for dues or fees paid into or contributions or donations made to this Association, or to any claims whatsoever upon any of the funds, benefits, or property of this Association. The person whose membership has been terminated may appeal the termination to the membership present at the next regular meeting. The appeal must be filed, in writing, with the Secretary of the Association one calendar week prior to the meeting. The members present at said meeting shall determine the validity of the appeal by majority vote.




The President shall appoint a committee consisting of three (3) active members, whose duty it shall be to investigate complaints and/or grievances which are within the Association. The committee shall report its findings to the Board at its earliest convenience. Upon receiving the committee’s report, the Board shall present the matter to the membership at the next regular meeting, except that the Board shall call for a special meeting if more than 30 days remain until the next regular meeting. The membership, by a majority vote, shall render a decision on the matter. Any active member involved in the complaint or grievance shall excuse themselves voting in the matter.




Members of this Association shall pay monthly dues of ten dollars ($10.00).  Assessments, in addition to dues, may be levied by the Board, should the condition of the Treasury require.  Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution for membership dues, no person shall be charged a fee in connection with an initial application for or granting of membership in this Association.  Any person whose membership in this Association is terminated in any manner and who subsequently applies for reinstatement shall be charged a reinstatement fee equal to one-half the total membership dues not paid during termination period. The reinstatement fees do not apply to members removed from office or position on the Police Department and reinstated through legal arbitration.

© 2016 The Lufkin Police Association - Page Created by Bear Media Productions

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